Thursday, July 08, 2004

1/2 cup of Beans????: "Hi, Aurora. The SBD Good Carbs good Fats Guide lists 1/2 c. of beans for a serving, but you can eat more if you want. I've posted this before: 1/2 c. beans per serving: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, that is 5 1/2 c. servings in a day, or 2.5 cups of beans a day, unless you are making my chocolate bean pudding for dessert, that makes 3 cups in a day. That is a whole lot of beans.
I'm a vegan and eat on average 1/2 c. beans 3 times a day, mostly Pizza Beans (greek Lima Beans). I find that is enough for me, plus I eat lots and lots of veggies, a wide variety, plus some nuts and low GI fruit.
See my thread, 'You guys interested in bean recipes?' in the recipe section of this Forum.
Burdle (The Former Bean Queen) "

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