Monday, April 11, 2005

Garmin connector assembly: "Lets make a PC cable ... for Mac see below.
The pin-out for the 45 is found in Appendix F ( page 55 ) of the GPS 45 Owner's Manual & Reference, and Dr. V's great graphic below. Notice the view (in your manual) is the 'cable view' as if looking at the connector on the cable from ... um, which direction?... very confusing. Not a problem with Dr. T.V.'s super diagram, take note Garmin! (... UPDATE: Garmin has improved with every new model! Congrats Garmin! ) Notice the position of the key-way notch. Notice if you get power and ground backwards you will make your new GPS all black inside! (... more updates: I've put and - and R and T right in the mold so you can check it easy ... Congrats to Me! )


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