Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Slashdot | Neal Stephenson Responds With Wit and Humor: "Fiction I have lately read and enjoyed:

Set this House in Order by Matt Ruff
Ilium by Dan Simmons
Iron Council by China Mieville
Perfect Circle by Sean Stewart
The I Love Bees alternate reality game
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susannah Clarke
The Fool's Tale by Nicole Galland (in galleys; soon to be published)
Short story collections by Etgar Keret: The Bus Driver who Wanted to be
God, and The Nimrod Flip-out. Last time I checked, The Nimrod Flip-out
was only available from an Australian publisher named Picador, but this
should pose only the most minor of challenges to Slashdot readers.
Keret is a young Israeli writer who has also done some work in film and
graphic novels.


Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Lincoln's Cooper Union address
Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jonathan strange.. i love that book :)..