Thursday, June 03, 2004

Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog: "A few years ago when a friend and I were vacationing in Waikiki, we took a bus up to the north shore of the island and spent two days bumming around up there. It's much more mellow and rural up there, which is a nice change from the frenetic pace of Waikiki Beach. We stayed at a cheap, rustic hostel, I think it was called 'Backpackers'.

One other tip: We arranged through our hotel concierge to buy two cases of pineapples (I think they were $25 each), which we then picked up at the airport on our way home. We gave pineapples to all of our friends and ate them ourselves until our mouths bled. They were fresh and perfect and amazing.
posted by bonheur at 11:30 PM PST on June 2"

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