Saturday, October 16, 2004 (1170246) Video from yesterday's John Stewart appearance on CNN's Crossfire where he calls the guy with the bowtie a dick (among other things). Don't miss, it's hilarious: "I really really hope that bashturn is right about this being a watershed moment. Stewart went on there and give a stinging indictment of not only the media, but the American people as well.
The media over hypes everything-why do you think polls are so important? B/c they change, unlike issues. But guess which actually matter? That's right, issues. And what are the polls based on? That's right, issues. And what could change the polls? That's right, reporting the issues. And that's just one example.
America is a great place, and a great system when the people are running the show. The problem is that the people aren't really running the show anymore. The parties, corporations and the media are. And anyone that's blindly loyal to a party is both contributing to the problem and a moron. That includes anyone that didn't actually put any thought into this election, aka 80% of the voters (the 40% guaranteed to vote Bush and the 40% guaranteed to vote Kerry). It's really depressing when you think about it.

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