Monday, June 20, 2005 "Sometimes Disneyland's Lost and Found department returns the missing smile to a child's face by recovering a lost toy. Sometimes it literally returns the hair to a man's head by salvaging a stray toupee.But Kay McFaul, who ran the department for 20 years, witnessed perhaps the biggest change to a visitor's face when she returned a missing item: the woman's glass eyeball.%u201CImmediately I put out a call and said, %u2018Have the sweepers check their pans, because we have a woman who has lost her artificial eye,' %u201D says McFaul, now 83 and retired for 15 years. %u201CIt wasn't but a short time later that in came this young guy, and he just handed me his pan. He thought it was a marble. Then he got the call and realized %u2014 it was looking at him.%u201D"

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