Wednesday, March 03, 2004
: "A few people have told me over the years that David Lifferth keeps lists and files on people. I usually chuckled at the thought, thinking that not even David would be that anal. I was wrong. In fact, a couple weeks ago someone that recieved one of 'Lifferth's Lists of Wrong-doing' emailed it to me. It's from February of 2003, after the CC meeting where Madsen wanted to hand $25k to Kelvin.

The opening paragraph is a hoot, IMO. To quote Mr. Lifferth:

'Attached is the list you requested during our 40 minute conversation on Friday February 14, 2003. This is not the comprehensive list. And just as the U.S. won't show the Iraqis all of their physical evidence or military intelligence, I am not going to show but a glimpse of what I have. I do want elected officials to know that they will be held accountable for their actions while they should be representing their constituents.' "

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